Harland and Wolff - Shipbuilding and Engineering Works

Queen's Island War Memorial

A most impressive ceremony took place at Messrs. Harland and Wolff's Belfast Yard on Friday 25th March 1921, when Lady Pirrie unveiled three bronze memorial tables containing the names of the 494 men who sacrificed their lives in the Great War. The old joiners shop, where the tables were erected, was packed with members of the staff and workmen, who were addressed by Field-Marshal Sir Wm Robertson, Lady Pirrie, Mr Charles Payne, C.B.E., J.P. (managing director), Mr John Anderson, and Mr Allan McKay.[Belfast Weekly Telegraph - Saturday 2nd April 1921]. The following poem perhaps penned by a shipyard worker was also included in the edition.


To all their names we bow
Our heads in reverence here
Where earned thought seems now
Forerunner of the tear
For those that sacrificed their all
In answer to our country's call
Our captain led the way
His staff no effort spared
Mid bustle night and day
The cry "'more ships" we heard
And to that object, all abreast
Each loyal workman give his best
They nobly fought and died
For Justice, Truth and Right
While we beheld with pride
Their conduct day and night
Where're the deadly struggle raged
In which our comrades were engaged
This gathering here reveals
Appreciable thought
And every man now feels
That as he daily wrought
His spirit lingered side by side
With Tommy o'er the ocean wide
On that day of July
By Thiepval's battle plain
Their "No Surrender" cry
Stirred blood in every vein
And with their words upon our lips
We answered to the call for ships
This monument erect
Shall have our tender care
And reverence and respect
From those that placed there
For it denotes so clear and plain
Life's sacrifice not made in vain
Thomas Morrison

The three memorial tablets were moved from the old joiners shop and relocated on the wall of the HQ Building on Queens Road, which is now the Titanic hotel. They were moved again in 2000 after H&W moved its headquarters to the East Yard. The three bronze tablets are now mounted on the main office within the works and are not accessible to the general public. Each November the company hold a service at the memorial.

Name Details
Adair A. More
Adams E. More
Adams E. More
Addley W. J. More
Agnew N. More
Agnew J. More
Aiken S. More
Alderdice W. J. More
Allen J.C.
Adams J.
Andrew J.W.
Atkinson H. More
Bailie D. More
Baird D. More
Baker D.
Barr R.
Baxter E.
Baxter J.R.
Baxter R.J.
Beastall J. More
Beattie A.
Beattie D.H.
Beattie R. More
Beattie R.
Beattie W.
Beeby R.
Bailie H. More
Bell J.
Bell L.
Bell R.
Bennett A. More
Bingham T.H.
Birney R. More
Black J.
Black J.
Black R.
Blackwood J. More
Blackwood W. More
Bloomer W. More
Boden J. More
Boland W. More
Bothwell T. More
Bourke J. More
Bowman S. More
Boyd J.
Boyd J.
Boyd W.
Boyle J.
Brackwell R.
Braithwaite J.
Braniff J.
Breen W.H. More
Bristow T. More
Brooks W.D.
Brown G. More
Brown R.
Brown T.
Bruce T.E. More
Bryans S. More
Bulla W.J.
Burgess H.
Burns J.
Burns J.
Cabney W.J.
Cairns D.
Cairns J.
Cairns W.H.
Campbell A.
Campbell G. More
Campbell H.E.
Campbell J.
Campbell J.
Campbell J.
Campbell S.
Carberry W.J.
Carlisle D.J.
Carlisle W.
Carlisle W.
Carmichael R.
Carruthers W.
Cassels S.
Catherwood J.
Clark H.
Clarke A.
Clarke D.
Clarke T.
Clarke W.
Clarke W.
Cleland R.
Cochran H.
Cochrane M.
Cochrane J.T.
Cochrane R.
Coleman S.
Connal J.
Connor W.H. More
Conway J.
Coote W.J.
Cope C.
Cotter J.P.
Cowan A.W. More
Craig D.
Craig T.
Cranston W.J.
Crighton J.B.
Crilly D. More
Cromie D.
Crossley W.
Crothers J
Crumlin W.R.
Cunningham W.A. More
Dalzell T.R.
Dawson W.
Dempsey J.J. More
Dickson ? G or C.
Dickson J.H.
Ditty A. More
Dixon W.
Dixon W.
Dobbin D.S.
Donnelly G.
Douglas H.
Douglas R.
Duke S.
Name Details
Dunwoody R.A.
Edmonson J.
Elliott S. More
English T.
Ennis T. More
Erskine W.A. More
Evitt W.
Farmer F.
Fergie J. More
Ferguson W.J.
Ferran A.
Ferran J.
Ferris F.
Ferris S.
Finlay A. More
Finlay A.
Finlay D.
Finlay W.
Finney T.
Fisher T. More
Foreman R. More
Forsythe G.
Forsythe H. More
Forsythe J.
Foster G. More
Foster J.
Fowler J.
Francis W.
Freeman J.C. More
Fullerton M.
Galbraith R.
Gallagher J.
Galloway R. More
Gates S.
George J.
Gibson J.
Gilder J.
Gould W.
Graham E.
Graham F.
Graham J. More
Graham W.J.
Grant H.
Grant M.
Gray L.
Gray W.J.
Green W.J.
Greer W.
Gregory J.
Gregory R. More
Gribben W.
Guinness H. More
Haire A.
Hall A.
Hall A.
Hall D.
Hamill T.
Hamilton J.
Hamilton W.
Hanna F. More
Hanna F.J.
Hanna I.
Hardy J.
Hardy J.
Hawrie A.
Hayden J.
Hayes J.C.
Henry J.
Heron J.
Hewitt J.
Hewitt W.
Higginson W.
Hill E.
Hill G.
Hillis H.
Hodgen J.W. More
Holland R.B.
Hollywood H.W.
Hogg F.
Hogg J.
Holden H. More
Howatt J. More
Howie A. More
Hudson W. More
Hutchinson W.
Hynes S. More
Ingram J.
Irvine T.B.
Irwin J.
Jamison E.
Jennings G. More
Johnston J.
Johnston T.
Johnston T.
Johnstone J. More
Kayes W.
Kearney J.
Keith W.J. More
Kells J.
Kelly J.
Kennedy A.
Kennedy J.
Kennedy S.
Kennedy W.W. More
Kerr H.
Kerr J.
Kerr W.
Kincaid W.
Kinnaird S.
Kirkpatrick D.
Kirkpatrick J.
Kirkpatrick S.
Kinnear D.
Kitson J.McK.
Knox S.
Laird A.
Larmour D.
Lavery J. More
Lavery J.
Lavery W.J.
Lemon J.F. More
Lenaghan T. More
Lewis J.W.
Name Details
Liggett C.
Lindsay W.J.
Logan H.
Logan J.
Long J.
Lowe J.S.
Lucas R. More
Lucas R.
Lyner E.
Lyons H.J.
McAuley J. More
McBratney J.H. More
McCagherty D.
McCann J. More
McCann R.
McCartney R.
McClure T.
McConnell W.
McCormick J.
McCorry T.
McCoskrie J.
McCoubrie T.
McCracken J.
McCreery T.H. More
McCrory H.
Mcullough D.
McCullough F.
McCullough J.
McCullough J.C.
McCutcheon C.
McCutcheon H.V. More
McCutcheon J.
McDiarmida S.
McDonald J.T.
McDowell A.
McDowell G.S.
McDowell J.B.M.
McEwan A.
McFarland G.
McGeogh J.
McDowell W.
McGovan J.
McHenry H.
McIlveen W.
McIlwaine J.
McIlwrath W. More
McKay P.
McKenzie F.
McKinstry W.
McKissick T. More
McKnight D.
McLean R.
McMann J.
McMillan S.E.
McMillen W.
McNair D.
McNally J.
McNeff E.
McQuaid W.
McReavie W.J. More
McTaggart D.
McVeigh W.T.
McVicar J.
McWilliams J.
Magee J.
Magill J.
Magowan S.
Mallon J.
Manning W.
Mansbridge R. More
Manson G.
Marshall J.
Matthews T.
Maxwell G.
Maxwell J.
May J.
Mayes J.
Mellon R.
Millar H.
Millar T.
Millar T.
Miller G. More
Milligan J.
Milligan O.
Mills C.J.
Mitchell S.
Moffat A.
Moffet H.S.
Montgomery A.
Montgomery J.
Moore H.
Moore J.H.
Moore S.
Moore W.
Morrison W.R.
Morton J. More
Mulholland J.
Mulholland J.
Mulholland N.
Mulholland R.J.
Mulholland W.J.
Mullan J.
Murphy J.
Murphy W.J.
Mussen R. More
Nabney H.
Nabney W.
Nelson A.
Nelson R.
Nugent R.
O'Neill A.
Orr A.V.
Orr D.E. More
Orr S. More
Orr W.
Owens J.
Patterson J.
Patterson R. More
Patton L.
Patton W.J.
Pearce W.
Philpott G. More
Pike W.R.
Name Details
Pinkerton M.
Pirret J.K. More
Porter J.
Porter J.
Porter W.
Purdy S.
Quail T. More
Quarry W.H. More
Quinn J. More
Quinn W.
Ramsay J.
Ramsay J.
Ramshaw W.C.
Rea D.
Reid J
Reid W.J.
Reid W.R.
Riddell R.
Ritchie G.
Robinson A.V.
Robinson C.W.
Robinson D.
Robinson J.
Robinson T.
Robinson W.
Rodger T.
Rodgers J.
Rodgers W.H.
Rosborough R.
Sage L.F.
Sanlon W. More
Savage J.
Savage R.
Scott A.
Scott J. More
Scott J.C.
Scott R.
Scott R.J.
Scott R.J.
Scott W. More
Scott W.
Sefton T.H.
Sheen W.
Sherman N. More
Shields A. More
Sinclair J.
Singleton G.
Skillen A.
Skillen R. More
Sloan D. More
Smyth T.J.
Spence R. More
Spence W.
Spence W.
Spratt T.
Starrett J. More
Steele J.
Steenson W.J. More
Stevenson A.
Stevenson R.
Stewart J.
Stitt F.C.
Stitt J.
Stitt J.
Stockman H. More
Stott M.
Strain W. More
Strange S.
Surgenor R.
Swain G.
Swaine G.
Tate H. More
Templeton J.
Templeton W.J.
Templeton R.M. More
Thompson D.
Thompson D.
Thompson G.
Thompson j.
Thompson R.J.
Thompson S.
Thompson S.
Thompson W.
Tinsley G.
Todd J.
Todd W.
Topping W.
Towell W. More
Townley J.
Truesdale J.
Tulloch D.
Tully D.
Tumblety W. More
Vance W.
Wallace J. More
Warnock C.
Waters S.
Watson W.J.
Waugh T.
Welby A.J.
Wharry J.
White J.
Whiteside W. More
Whyte W.
Wilkins A.
Wilkins F.
Williamson F.
Williamson W. More
Wilson D.
Wilson E.
Wilson E.
Wilson H.
Wilson W.
Winter A.A. More
Wright J.
Wright R.
Wright W.
Wynne W.
Yardley T. More
Yates J.
Young H. More
Young R.

A Noble War Record

An interesting and impressive ceremony took place at Queen's Island, Belfast, yesterday, when the many thousands of employees of Messrs. Harland Wolf. Ltd., paid a fitting and permanent tribute to those of their former fellow-workmen who fell in the great war. The occasion was the unveiling by Lady Pirrie, J.P.. of three artistic bronze memorial tablets, on which are recorded names of 494 of the employees who made the supreme sacrifice. There are few firms in the United Kingdom which possess a war record to equal that of Messrs. Harland & Wolff, Ltd. as the following statistics will show :-

Works No. of men who .....
joined forces lost their lives
Belfast 2210 494
Govan 1472 171
Greenock 450 52
Liverpool 650 87
Southampton 500 32
Finnieston 370 35
Scotstoun 170 15
Total 5822 886

[Northern Whig - Saturday 26th March 1921]